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Virtual Wildland Fire Resources and Planning Workshop

Join us on June 16th via Zoom from 11-1 to hear from local DNRC, BLM, and landowner, Toby Dahl. Topics will range from current priorities in Petroleum County, planned controlled burns and fuels reduction, opportunities and grants for landowners, fire preparedness, how to recover land from fire damage, and much more!

This event is in preparation for a county-wide discussion and table-top emergency planning exercise with DES officer and Winnett fire department at their July meeting (more details to come).

Won't be able to make it? Don't worry - you can submit questions to be asked as well as watch the recording at a later time.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 856 0176 0869
Passcode: 521975
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June 2

ACES Board Meeting

July 7

ACES Board Meeting